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Exfoliating Peppermint & Pumice Soap is a super sudsy, multitasking marvel.
Finely ground natural pumice gets you grime-free from head to toe.
Peppermint’s cooling antiseptic powers cool and soothe your skin and relax your tired bod.
This hardworking wonder bar brings you pure, invigorating pleasure of peppermint’s fresh and fabulous scent.
Weight | 100 g |
Dimensions | 8 × 6 × 3 cm |
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Exfoliating Peppermint & Pumice Soap is a super sudsy, multitasking marvel.
Finely ground natural pumice gets you grime-free from head to toe.
Peppermint’s cooling antiseptic powers cool and soothe your skin and relax your tired bod.
This hardworking wonder bar brings you pure, invigorating pleasure of peppermint’s fresh and fabulous scent.
Wake up, wash off, wind down
Exfoliating Peppermint & Pumice Soap works its magic morning, noon and night.
A gentle buff and a sniff in your wake-up shower stimulates your skin and senses, puts a smile on your face and a spring in your step.
A rub and a scrub after a hard day’s gardening or a day’s hard graft in a mucky job get rid of the deepest dirt. And, it softens and protects your skin.
A soothing soak in a steamy bath, several deep breaths, and the lightest of light exfoliation will ease aching muscles and quiet a racing mind.
5 silky smooth reasons you’ll fall for Peppermint & Pumice Soap:
Happier skin: Deep cleansing combined with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties rids your skin of ingrained damaging dirt
Glowing skin: A gentle rub or a serious scrub opens and cleans pores, brightens, and smooths dull skin and gives you a natural healthy glow
Cleaner, softer skin: Yep, you can have both. A muck-busting clean-up that cools and moisturises your skin thanks to a premium combo of pure pumice and essential oil
Brighter days: Fresh starts, fantastic finishes. Shower wake-ups invigorate like no other. Night-time wash-ups that relax and restore you at the end of a busy day.
Happy house: Peppermint’s minty freshness lingers long after you’ve left the shower.
Last word
Exfoliating Peppermint & Pumice Soap’s powerful, cooling, cleansing, soothing, smile-inducing wonderfulness make it super popular with our customers. It’s a sell-out success in our stellar range of soaps.
讓您愛上薄荷浮石皂的 5 個絲滑理由:
肌膚更健康: 深層清潔與殺菌消炎特性相結合,清除肌膚上根深蒂固的有害污垢
煥發肌膚光彩: 輕輕揉搓或認真擦洗,可打開並清潔毛孔,提亮並撫平暗沉肌膚,讓您的肌膚煥發自然健康的光彩
皮膚更潔淨、更柔軟: 是的,兩者兼得。採用純浮石和精油的優質組合,在清除污垢的同時為肌膚降溫保濕。
明亮的一天: 清新的開始,美妙的結束。花灑喚醒肌膚,煥發前所未有的活力。夜間沐浴,讓您在忙碌的一天結束後放鬆身心,恢復活力。
快樂之家: 薄荷的清新氣息在您離開浴室後仍久久不散。
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