We curate and connect contemporary and emerging brands to Asia
Our Olive Castile Soap is made from premium, cold-pressed olive oil…. and… nothing else. Pure, fragrance-free olive oil soap has been giving us clean, soft, supple skin for over 800 years.
The exact science that backs olive oil as an essential element in a healthy diet also applies to putting it on your face:
Packed with protective antioxidants that help shield your skin from free radical damage
Flush with monounsaturated fats that moisturise your skin without clogging pores
我們的橄欖油皂由優質冷壓橄欖油製作,不含任何其他成分。 800多年來,純淨、無香料的橄欖油皂一直為我們帶來潔淨、柔軟、富有彈性的肌膚。
您可以將 “純 “橄欖油塗抹在皮膚上。
Weight | 100 g |
Dimensions | 8 × 6 × 3 cm |
Find your simplest skincare
Our Olive Castile Soap is made from premium, cold-pressed olive oil…. and… nothing else. Pure, fragrance-free olive oil soap has been giving us clean, soft, supple skin for over 800 years. Not bad for the simplest beauty product imaginable.
It’s no secret that antioxidant-rich olive oil is seriously good for your insides. But do you know how great it is for your ‘outsides’?
Science says it best
The exact science that backs olive oil as an essential element in a healthy diet also applies to putting it on your face:
Packed with protective antioxidants that help shield your skin from free radical damage
Flush with monounsaturated fats that moisturise your skin without clogging pores
Fragrance-free, so it’ll never irritate your sensitive skin or clash with your favourite scent
You could apply ‘straight’ olive oil to your skin. But if you’d rather not raid the pantry, our Olive Castile Soap is an elegant, effortless alternative.
5 pure and simple reasons you’ll fall for it:
Moisturised skin: Your dry skin is trying to tell you to produce more natural oils. This is tough to do. Olive oil soap steps up by sending in Vitamins A and E to lock in moisture and soften your skin
Sensational for sensitive skin: Absolutely no fragrance, scent, or aroma. Just gentle, heavenly hypoallergenic cleansing
Simple, start-to-finish skincare: No need for extra potions and lotions. Olive oil hydrates and protects all on its own
Gracefully ageing skin: We reckon you’re beautiful as you are, but if you’re not fond of your fine lines, this soap improves skin tone and texture
Subdues skin conditions: Packed with Polyphenols – that’s antioxidants to you and me – imagine your private Polyphenol army wiping out battalions of damaging free radicals that inflame skin conditions like eczema, and rosacea
Last word
Olive oil is an unassuming everyday superhero in your pantry or on your face. Never underestimate the incredible antioxidant-driven power of olive castile soap to nourish and nurture your skin.
我們的橄欖油皂由優質冷壓橄欖油….,不含任何其他成分。 800多年來,純淨、無香料的橄欖油皂一直為我們帶來潔淨、柔軟、富有彈性的肌膚。對於最簡單的美容產品來說,這已經很不錯了。
富含抗氧化劑的橄欖油對人體有益,這已經不是什麼秘密了。但你知道它對你的 “外在 “有多好嗎?
您可以將 “純 “橄欖油塗抹在皮膚上。但如果您不想搜刮儲藏室裡的橄欖油,我們的橄欖蓖麻香皂是一種優雅、輕鬆的替代品。
滋潤肌膚: 你的干燥肌膚正試圖告訴你分泌更多的天然油脂。這很難做到。橄欖油皂通過添加維生素 A 和 E 來鎖住水分,軟化肌膚。
敏感肌膚也能放心使用: 絕對無香料、香味或芳香。只有溫和、天堂般的低過敏性清潔效果
簡單、從頭到尾的護膚: 無需額外的藥水和乳液。橄欖油本身就具有保濕和保護作用
優雅的老化肌膚: 我們認為您現在就很美,但如果您不喜歡細紋,這款香皂可以改善膚色和膚質
We curate and connect contemporary and emerging brands to Asia