We curate and connect contemporary and emerging brands to Asia
Ready for lemony lift off?
Sprinkle Lemon Myrtle Bath Salts in a warm bath. Let your body unwind as you wash away the stresses of the day. Think of a faraway oasis escape. Bliss-filled me-time every time you use it. Feel the calm. Exhale and relax.
Breathe in its reviving, citrusy scent. Soak and soothe tired, achy limbs and clear a muddled head. Come out feeling merrier and more energised.
準備好享受檸檬的清新了嗎?洗去一天的壓力,讓身體放鬆下來。想想遠方的綠洲。每次使用,都是充滿幸福的 “我 “的時光。感受平靜。呼氣,放鬆。呼吸它清新的柑橘香味。浸泡並舒緩疲憊、酸痛的四肢,清醒混沌的頭腦。使用後,您會感覺更加愉快,精力更加充沛。
Weight | 500 g |
Dimensions | 10 × 10 × 10 cm |
Ready for lemony lift off?
Sprinkle Lemon Myrtle Bath Salts in a warm bath. Let your body unwind as you wash away the stresses of the day. Think of a faraway oasis escape. Bliss-filled me-time every time you use it. Feel the calm. Exhale and relax.
Breathe in its reviving, citrusy scent. Soak and soothe tired, achy limbs and clear a muddled head. Come out feeling merrier and more energised.
Get that wow feeling that sends all things Lemon Myrtle straight to the top of our best beloved, top-selling products.
5 uplifting reasons to use Lemon Myrtle Bath Salts:
1. Natural wonders: Bring a rainforest into your bathroom with citrusy-sweet lemon myrtle for a cheery refreshing scent.
2. Lift your mood: Swap a tired mind for zestified and energised with Lemon Myrtle Bath Salt’s mood lifting powers. Seems a bit… well… magic – maybe, but we know they work.
3. Soothe scaly or sensitive skin: Soak, soften and soothe thanks to epic levels of skin doctoring magnesium found in epsom salts.
4. Rise ‘n’ Shine: Sprinkle lively-lemon scents in your morning shower for a stellar start to your day.
5. Exfoliate and go: Rub gently into wet skin. Wait a minute then rinse. Enjoy exquisitely scented, kindly exfoliated, glowing good skin, all day long.
準備好享受檸檬的清新了嗎?洗去一天的壓力,讓身體放鬆下來。想想遠方的綠洲。每次使用,都是充滿幸福的 “我 “的時光。感受平靜。呼氣,放鬆。呼吸它清新的柑橘香味。浸泡並舒緩疲憊、酸痛的四肢,清醒混沌的頭腦。使用後,您會感覺更加愉快,精力更加充沛。
檸檬香桃木浴鹽讓人驚嘆不已,是我們最受歡迎、最暢銷的產品之一。使用檸檬香桃木浴鹽的 5 個令人振奮的理由:
1.自然奇觀: 將熱帶雨林帶入您的浴室,柑橘香甜的檸檬香桃木為您帶來愉悅清新的香味: 2.提振情緒檸檬香桃木浴鹽具有提振情緒的功效,能讓疲憊的心靈充滿活力。這似乎有點……嗯……神奇–也許吧,但我們知道它們很有效。
3.舒緩鱗屑或敏感肌膚: 浸泡、軟化和舒緩肌膚都要歸功於瀉鹽中對皮膚有極好療效的鎂元素。
4. 起床’n’閃亮: 在清晨沐浴時灑下活潑的檸檬香味,讓一天有一個美好的開始。
5. 去角質,出發: 在濕潤的皮膚上輕輕擦拭。等待一分鐘,然後沖洗乾淨。一整天都能享受芳香怡人、去角質後光彩照人的好肌膚。
We curate and connect contemporary and emerging brands to Asia