We curate and connect contemporary and emerging brands to Asia
5 Sensible, sensual reasons to use Geranium Bath Salts:
1. Moisturise: Geranium Bath Salts soothe the senses and hydrate your skin helping it stay smooth and strokable.
2. Mellow-out
3. Massage: Our Bath Salts are packed with natural minerals and exfoliants that help relieve skin conditions. Massage gently into your skin to draw out dirt and remove dead cells. Feel fresh, clean and ready for anything.
4. Manage a headache
5. Make the mood
使用天竺葵浴鹽的 5 個明智、感性的理由:
1. 保濕: 天竺葵浴鹽能舒緩感官,為肌膚補充水分,使其保持光滑,易於撫摸。
2. 舒緩: 天竺葵是緩解壓力的明星產品。步入香氣四溢的浴缸。呼吸天竺葵微妙的辛辣花香。讓身心放鬆,放飛自我
3. 按摩: 我們的浴鹽富含天然礦物質和去角質劑,有助於緩解濕疹和痤瘡等皮膚問題。輕輕按摩皮膚,可去除污垢和死細胞。沐浴後,您會感覺清新、潔淨,一切準備就緒。
4.緩解頭痛: 洗個溫水澡可以自然放鬆頭部和肩膀,有助於緩解頭痛。天竺葵舒緩、感性的香氣能增強浸浴舒緩緊張情緒的功效。
5. 營造氣氛: 營造完美的寵愛時光
Weight | 500 g |
Dimensions | 10 × 10 × 10 cm |
Sense and sensuality
Geranium-infused pampering – a gift for you from you. Combine skin-loving-good-sense with a sensual spa-like experience in your very own bathroom.
5 Sensible, sensual reasons to use Geranium Bath Salts:
1. Moisturise: Geranium Bath Salts soothe the senses and hydrate your skin helping it stay smooth and strokable.
2. Mellow-out: Geranium’s a star stress reliever. Step into a heavenly scented tub. Breathe in geranium’s subtle, floral spicy scent. Let your body and mind kick back, and let yourself go.
3. Massage: Our Bath Salts are packed with natural minerals and exfoliants that help relieve skin conditions such as eczema and acne. Massage gently into your skin to draw out dirt and remove dead cells. Feel fresh, clean and ready for anything.
4. Manage a headache: A warm bath naturally relaxes your head and shoulders, and helps hold off headaches. Geranium’s soothing, sensual aroma amps up the soothing power of a tension-taming soak.
5. Make the mood: Create the perfect pamper-sesh:
Run a warm bath with a handful of geranium bath salts
Cue your most soothing or sensual playlist
Turn the lights down low or spark up some candles
Get a luscious, long, cool drink next to the bathtub.
Go for a little light loofah action to gently exfoliate your body
Lie back and relax…
Bath big enough for two? You could invite your loved one to join you.
使用天竺葵浴鹽的 5 個明智、感性的理由:
1. 保濕: 天竺葵浴鹽能舒緩感官,為肌膚補充水分,使其保持光滑,易於撫摸。
2. 舒緩: 天竺葵是緩解壓力的明星產品。步入香氣四溢的浴缸。呼吸天竺葵微妙的辛辣花香。讓身心放鬆,放飛自我。
3. 按摩: 我們的浴鹽富含天然礦物質和去角質劑,有助於緩解濕疹和痤瘡等皮膚問題。輕輕按摩皮膚,可去除污垢和死細胞。沐浴後,您會感覺清新、潔淨,一切準備就緒。
4.緩解頭痛: 洗個溫水澡可以自然放鬆頭部和肩膀,有助於緩解頭痛。天竺葵舒緩、感性的香氣能增強浸浴舒緩緊張情緒的功效。
5. 營造氣氛: 營造完美的寵愛時光:用一把天竺葵浴鹽泡個溫水澡,播放最舒緩或最感性的音樂,將燈光調暗或點燃蠟燭,在浴缸旁喝一杯香濃、悠長的清涼飲料。輕柔地用絲瓜絡去除身體角質 躺下,放鬆……浴缸夠大,可以容納兩個人?你可以邀請你的愛人一起來。
We curate and connect contemporary and emerging brands to Asia