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Here’s the simple dry skin cleanser you’ve been searching for. Packed with nourishing, natural Macadamia and Avocado oils, nothing more, nothing less.
Pure Australian Avocado and Macadamia facial cleanser starring two hydrating superheros quench your parched skin’s thirst.
Pure Macadamia
Macadamias are sustainable nut-world legends. Every bit is useful, the outer shells, the nutritious nuts and the superbly rich, hydrating oil.
Fragrant free. Ideal for sensitive skin.
Weight | 100 g |
Dimensions | 8 × 6 × 3 cm |
Find your facial superfood
Living with dry, dull, scaly skin? Tried all sorts of skin care that promised you TLC but didn’t deliver? Spent a small or sizable fortune on underperforming products that made next to no difference to your blemished, sun, wind or heat-damaged skin.
Here’s the simple dry skin cleanser you’ve been searching for. Packed with nourishing, natural Macadamia and Avocado oils, nothing more, nothing less.
Pure Australian Avocado and Macadamia facial cleanser starring two hydrating superheros quench your parched skin’s thirst.
Pure Macadamia
Macadamias are sustainable nut-world legends. Every bit is useful, the outer shells, the nutritious nuts and the superbly rich, hydrating oil.
The only thing it can’t brag about is its scent. Fragrant free. Nothing. Nada. Nil. Ideal for sensitive skin.
Absolute Avocado
The crème de la crème of fruit. The pear-shaped heart of Sunday brunch, the source of green goddess deliciousness. Bursting with healthy fats and antioxidants, oil that doubles as a potent anti-inflammatory.
5 rapturous reasons you’ll celebrate this duo dry skin combination:
Silkier-softer skin: Loaded with deeply moisturising oils that keep your skin soft and supple.
Calmer skin: Think oil on sensitive skin is a bad idea? Not these natural wonders. They’re super-gentle facial cleansers that help control skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema and psoriasis.
Happier hydrated skin: Leaves your skin feeling top to toe clean, fresh, hydrated, and nourished.
Glowing skin: Excellent sources of glow-giving antioxidants. Including vitamin E that also helps absorb those free radical bad boys and protect your skin from environmental damage.
Firmer skin: Contains omega-7 (palmitoleic acid), so helps replenish your naturally diminishing supply of this skin-strengthening acid that slows the spread of wrinkly wrinkles.
Last word
The Avocado and Macadamia oils in this beauty bar are brilliant for all skin types. Rich in nourishing plant oils, they gift you soft, healthy skin so you feel soothed and moisturised, ready for the day.
尋找你的面部超級食物 皮膚乾燥、暗沉、脫屑?嘗試過各種護膚品,它們都承諾給你精心呵護,但卻無法兌現?
5 個令人欣喜的理由,讓您為這兩款乾性皮膚組合喝彩:
肌膚更柔滑: 富含深層滋潤油脂,保持肌膚柔軟細膩。
肌膚更平靜: 認為在敏感肌膚上塗油是個壞主意?這些天然奇蹟不會。它們是超級溫和的潔面乳,有助於控制紅斑痤瘡、濕疹和牛皮癬等皮膚問題。
更快樂的水潤肌膚 讓肌膚從頭到腳都感覺乾淨、清爽、水潤和滋養。煥發肌膚光彩: 煥發光彩的抗氧化劑的絕佳來源。包括維生素 E,它還有助於吸收自由基,保護肌膚免受環境傷害。
更緊緻的肌膚 含有歐米茄-7(棕櫚油酸),有助於補充自然減少的這種強化皮膚的酸性物質,減緩皺紋的蔓延。
We curate and connect contemporary and emerging brands to Asia